We know that roses are essential in your office, in your home and brighten up any space. In addition, it is usually the perfect gift to show love and affection to that special person. That is why we want to share with you the essential secrets so that they remain beautiful and last longer:
1. Remove damaged petals
Whenever you can, remove the petals that are wilted very carefully so that you do not steal nutrients from the others.
2. Add water
As soon as you receive them, try to put them in a container in which the stem is completely submerged, leave them there for 1 or two hours to recover. Then pass them to the definitive container avoiding that the leaves are submerged, otherwise the roses will end up rotting. If you receive an envelope of preservative, place it and if you don't have it, add a tablespoon of sugar.
3. Cut the stems
This is very important every two days, cut 2 centimeters of your roses with a knife and diagonally, it is important that you do not do it with a scissors, since this will clog the conductive vessels and the flowers will spoil sooner. If a rose bends and falls off, cut the stem a few inches as well and let it float in a bowl of water for a few hours to rehydrate.
4. Change the water every 2 days
You should try to keep the space very clean and also take advantage of it to wash the container. We recommend that it be a silver container, since, in addition to having an antibacterial effect, it makes the flowers stay fresh for longer.
5. Avoid direct sunlight
Do not expose them to very high temperatures, drafts or very dry environments. In addition, it is recommended that at night you take them out to the window or to the balcony if it is not very cold.
Roses are living beings, but when they are separated from the stem that provides them with the necessary sustenance to stay alive, they wither, therefore, the key to keeping them perfect for longer is to replace as much as possible what they receive from the plant and in simulating the living conditions in which they usually grow.
We hope these tips help you a lot